Self Image
Article about Self-Image.
Sophie Anderson
In our Society, the way you look and the things you wear are the most crucial things ever. The world makes you feel like you aren't good enough for anything. The most simple things can make you feel that way such as, a fashion magazine or a Celebrity's Instagram post. Magazines and Celebrity's Instagram accounts very sneakily trying to make you think that you need to do and wear certain things, but you don't. Some things in life do require you to change, but its okay if you change just as long as you are doing it for your self and nobody else. You need to make sure you are always a priority because how can you do what you want to do without looking after yourself . If you don't take care of yourself then how can you expect to do what you want to do.
I want to go back to the fashion magazine that I was talking about. They aren't so direct when it comes to making you feel like you aren't doing something right. Simple little phrases like 'Top New Looks' makes you want to see what they are and because they are the 'Top New Looks' it makes you think 'well because they are the new style everyone will be wearing it so I'm going to get one because it's what everyone else will have and I won't look like an outsider'. You don't need to be a part of the new trends. DON'T BE A SHEEP! I don't like sheep. If you do genuinely like it then go for it but make sure that you do really like it because you like it and not because everyone else likes it. It might not necessarily be articles it could easily be someone else close you, perhaps a sibling or a friends that is telling you what you should do or wear but they might not have noticed that they have done it. They could have easily been the person that saw the magazine and then passed it onto you. It isn't anybody's fault except from the magazine editors themselves.
I now want to turn to celebrities Instagram accounts. In particular Kylie Jenner. Her Instagram has caused so many rumors and so many people to want to be like her so much more that when she first started on Keeping Up With The Kardashians TV programme. Some of her fans even made up a challenge called the 'Kylie Jenner Lip Challenge' because they wanted to be like her so much and to show what devoted fans they are. To me that is way too far to show someone how much you like them. Her lips are obviously fake. She has lip fillers, shes even admitted to it. Her lips aren't natural, in fact I don't think much of her is. Most of her Instagram posts are photo shopped and not natural in any shape or form. I will admit she is very pretty but that is thanks to all of her make-up artists that layer make-up all over her face and take away the natural beauty that she most definitely has. Girls and some boys, you don't have to wear make-up for people to think that you are beautiful. Everyone is beautiful in many different ways.

You don't need to aspire to be someone else; the only person you need to aspire to be is yourself because you're the best version of you.
People believe that EVERYONE is perfect in there own special way but in my opinion, there is no such thing as perfection. Perfection is something that a lot of people want to be but they never will be because it doesn't exist!