Brilliant Funding News - Autumn 2024
We are very pleased to announce that we have recently been successful in gaining a £19,655 National Lottery Awards for All funding for a...

Fitness Instructor Job
Part Time Fitness Instructor with You Turn Youth Support Centre in Evesham, Worcestershire Running a gym and supporting young people to...

We’re Moving to our New Building - The Evesham Centre – Autumn 2023
You Turn will soon be re-locating from our High Street building, which has been our base for more than ten years, to our new home at ‘The...

Cornwall Residential - Summer 2023
At the start of the summer holidays, we returned to the North Cornwall YHA property for another fantastic few days of fun in the South...

Fantastic Funding News!
You Turn started the New Year in 2023 with the Amazing news that we have been successful in securing funding from The National Lottery...

You Turn's 'High Tea' Event
A huge THANK YOU to everyone who attended the You Turn 'High Tea' event on Tuesday 14th May 2019. It was a very special event organised...

Positive Activities: The Gower!
We had an absolutely fantastic trip to the Gower in Wales, a beautiful beach on a beautiful day. We started our day by walking to the...

Positive Activities: Cycling in the Forest of Dean!
We started our summer trips programme by going cycling in the Forest of Dean, which was a really fun (and tiring!) day. Many of us,...

Open Evening and Awards!
Last night was a great success! We celebrated the achievements of our talented young people, but the evening was a success because of...

We are now ASDAN registered!
We are really pleased to announce that we are now registered to deliver ASDAN short courses, which we intend to carry out over the next...